On Tuesday October 11, 2011 Leanne (Chin) was diagnosed with breast cancer. This blog will follow her journey. It will share the peaks and valleys along the way. But it will also serve as a way to communicate prayer requests and praises. Join us as we partner with Chin and fight along side her for she "...can do all things through Christ who strengthens her." Phil. 4:13

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The meaning behind Chin ... There is a Chinese restaurant in the Twin Cities named Leann Chin. While Leanne was attending a basketball camp in middle school, a fellow camper had a bag from the restaurant. This camper made the connection between the name of the restaurant and Leanne's name. And the nickname Chin stuck!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Round 2: #10

Yesterday was a LONG day for Leanne. She had blood work, an appointment with Dr. Bloom's nurse practitioner, and then chemo. Phew! She was glad when chemo was done and she could go home. Thanks to Leanne's mentor mom from MOPS for spending the afternoon with Leo!

We had the privilege of Skyping with Leanne during chemo. We met her friend, Sarah, via Skype and got to see one of Leanne's favorite nurses, Holly.

Leanne never ceases to amaze me. Her perspective in the midst of this trial is incredible and a challenge to all around her to see life as she does. Read this post, Warning: Baldie Below, and you'll see what I mean.

As surgery approaches, please keep Leanne in your prayers. Please pray specifically for:
  •  Wisdom for the Doctor's and Surgeon's as they treat Leanne
  • That the surgeon would be able to close without any trouble after removing enough skin to get clean margins
  • Pathology reports come back with clean margins
  • Freedom from fear and anxiety in the coming weeks
  • Guidance for the doctor's hands.
  • Leo to sleep through the night.
Thanks for your partnership! We could not do this without you!

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