But, 5 weeks of experiencing God's comfort every minute of every day. 5 weeks of laughing and crying as we remember Leanne often. 5 weeks of seeing the AMAZING ways Leanne was touching lives and sharing God's hope with those around her.
I can't wait to share those stories with you soon!
But for now, I want to let you all know that we are doing ok. To quote a message I recently listened to "We are sorrowful, but not driven to despair." Sorrowful doesn't even seem to explain the level of sadness we feel. But even in that sorrow, we are not driven to despair because of Jesus. We have life in Him and hope in our future with Him. And I can say at least for myself, that is what gets me through those tough moments of sadness. Hope.
If you want to listen to the message, check it out HERE. Next to the title of the message, Opposition, you will see a set of headphones or a video camera. Click on either depending if you want to watch the message or just listen to the audio.
We would love for you to please keep us in your prayers. Here are some specifics:
- Consistent, good sleep for Leo
- Energy for Ryan
- God to continue to comfort Ryan, Leo, the White family, and the Miller family
- God to continue to glorify Himself through Leanne's story
- Healthy, God honoring grief for all those who lost Leanne
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.