On Tuesday October 11, 2011 Leanne (Chin) was diagnosed with breast cancer. This blog will follow her journey. It will share the peaks and valleys along the way. But it will also serve as a way to communicate prayer requests and praises. Join us as we partner with Chin and fight along side her for she "...can do all things through Christ who strengthens her." Phil. 4:13

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The meaning behind Chin ... There is a Chinese restaurant in the Twin Cities named Leann Chin. While Leanne was attending a basketball camp in middle school, a fellow camper had a bag from the restaurant. This camper made the connection between the name of the restaurant and Leanne's name. And the nickname Chin stuck!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hijacking this Blog!

Hey everyone!  It is Leanne.  My older sister Katie usually updates the blog but I knew she would not post about this in the way I wanted to so I decided to hijack the blog and post myself :-)  These two wonderful people came to stay for a whole week two weeks ago. 
God sure knew what he was doing when they decided to visit because that was the week I ended up in the hospital.  WHAT A BLESSING to have such awesome help while I was not feeling well and not able to keep up with the things I wanted to be able to do.  I was lucky enough to have Mollie to help me hold Leo. . . 

She helped me feed Leo and gave me diapers. . .
 And she also helped me look at him and give him some love. . .
On a more serious note, I am so thankful for Katie and Mollie and the help they were while I was not feeling well.  Katie, along with Aimee (my younger sister), and my mom were amazing!  They took turns getting up with Leo in the middle of the night for a whole week so I could get rest and get better. . . Seriously, these people are amazing!

I am going to be real with you (not that we aren't usually) but I am going to be brutally honest and ask for some very specific prayer requests, :
*Cancer is a tough mental battle.  I struggle each day with fear and doubt and the devil attacks my mind in crazy ways.  These attacks come when I am tired and when I am alone and my mind just begins to race.  Please pray that I would continue to fight this mental battle and trust God and his awesome timing and plan.  (I have been working really hard on this but it is a constant struggle)
*One of the medicines that I take for three days before chemo causes pretty intense bone and muscle pain.  Like pain I have never felt in my life.  Please pray that I would be able to stay on top of the pain and that it would not increase with each dose of the medicine.
*The plan for my treatment is constantly evolving and changing based on what happens in my body.  This is tough as lots of people (including us) want to know the plan.  Pray for patience and trust as we let our knowledgeable doctors and our great physician in heaven lead us down this road. 

Thanks for being a part of my team.  I can't even begin to explain how much it means to know that I have the love and support that I do from all over the world!  I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!!!!!!


Katie and Bret said...

We love you like crazy and are praying without ceasing! So thankful we could help :)

Robyn said...

Praying and sending much love!

b+k said...

leanne, this post made me smile and tear up!! thanks for your honesty, and know that we're praying over here for you (and the rest of my bible study friends here, too!!!) so thankful for you, and for katie, and what amazing and inspirational everyday awesome people you are. we love you!! kate