Carter Joy White was born yesterday, May 27, to Leanne's older brother, Tim, and his wife, Danielle. Congrats!!!
Now for the chemo news. Leanne had high enough counts to have chemo today! She had a lot of nausea after chemo last time, so they tried something new this time to keep the nausea at bay. My mom went to chemo with Leanne. Thanks Kathy for spending the afternoon with Leo!
And Mollie and I got to Face Time with her during chemo. Isn't modern technology wonderful?!?!
I think Mollie was pretty happy to see her Auntie Leanne :)
Please be praying for Leanne. Pray specifically for:
- Minimal side effects from chemo for Leanne
- The numbness in Leanne's fingers to not spread any further
- Peace for Leanne, Ryan, and their families as they await what lies ahead
- Stamina and strength for Leanne and Ryan
- Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he makes decisions about the future of Leanne's treatment plan
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at and we would love to talk more.