On Tuesday October 11, 2011 Leanne (Chin) was diagnosed with breast cancer. This blog will follow her journey. It will share the peaks and valleys along the way. But it will also serve as a way to communicate prayer requests and praises. Join us as we partner with Chin and fight along side her for she "...can do all things through Christ who strengthens her." Phil. 4:13

When leaving a comment, please sign your name so we know you were here. Thanks!
The meaning behind Chin ... There is a Chinese restaurant in the Twin Cities named Leann Chin. While Leanne was attending a basketball camp in middle school, a fellow camper had a bag from the restaurant. This camper made the connection between the name of the restaurant and Leanne's name. And the nickname Chin stuck!

Monday, December 22, 2014


I sat in church yesterday and was struck by a point made about Jesus' example of enduring suffering and how it relates to our lives. Our culture tells us to suck it up, hide your pain, be strong, and just deal with it. The Bible, however, gives a drastically different picture of how Jesus dealt with suffering and how we should follow His example.

In the book of John, the author tells a story of Jesus' friend, Lazarus, who died. John 11:35 says that, "Jesus wept" over his death. Jesus, who was fully God, knew that Lazarus would be raised from the dead, still wept over the death of his friend. Through the example of Jesus weeping in suffering, I am comforted in the tears I shed over the death of my precious sister.

Just days before his death, Jesus spent considerable time praying to God. Matthew 26:39 says, "And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." Knowing the pain and suffering that He was to endure, Jesus prayed and asked God to take it away. But He also prayed to submit to God's will. Through Jesus example of praying in suffering, I am challenged to pray boldly for what I desire to happen, but to also pray for God's will and that I would submit to His plan.

As Jesus hung on the cross, Scripture makes it clear that He was suffering. Jesus didn't hide the pain or pretend everything was ok. Matthew 27:45-46 says, "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" that is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus was brutally honest with God and cried out to Him. I am comforted to know that I have the privilege of crying out to God in the midst of my suffering and knowing that He hears my prayers.

But the most comforting verse to me in the midst of my suffering and pain is Hebrew 12:2, which says "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

Endured the cross.

Jesus was in excruciating pain. It was unbearable. The Bible does not say that Jesus hung on the cross with a smile on His face and pretended that everything was ok. Nor does it say that He downplayed the pain and refused to show any emotion to those around Him. 

In each of these situations, Jesus suffering was evident to those around Him. He cried out to God. He begged God to take the suffering from Him. He wept over the pain of losing someone He loved dearly. He endured it. He felt every sting of pain and sadness. He experienced the depth of every painful emotion and did not run from it.

So, if you like me, are struggling with real, intense pain and suffering this Christmas, I pray you will endure it as Jesus did. I pray you will not run from the painful emotions of grief. I pray you will cry out to God. I pray you will weep. And most of all, I pray you will ask God for the ability to submit to His will in your suffering. I pray your enduring suffering will cause you to run to Christ and rest in the peace and comfort He offers.

Jesus endured the cross "for the joy set before Him" (Hebrews 12:2). I am not sure what joy will come out of my suffering, but I am confident that God will be faithful to do so. And I have a feeling He will far exceed my expectations in doing so!

Even in the midst of suffering, we celebrate God sending His beloved Son to earth to bring us the hope of eternal life with Him. In your suffering may you find hope and comfort from this song:

He is the song for the suffering
He is Messiah
The Prince of Peace has come
He has come, Emmanuel

 Merry Christmas! May your Christmas be filled with the hope that Jesus brings.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Six months ago today, I spent the day dreadfully awaiting the worst news of my life. I kept wondering how I could possibly prepare myself for the news there was no way of avoiding. Shortly after Leanne entered her Savior’s arms in heaven at 4:45pm, I received a simple message that read, “She’s gone.”

Those words are forever etched in my brain. I often have to repeat them to myself as I pick up the phone to call or text her. I say them when I picture celebrating future holidays, thinking of my daughter’s weddings, the births of any future nieces or nephews, and any family get together that will be planned. She wont be there. Gone.

As we approach Thanksgiving, our culture reminds us at every turn to be thankful for all we have and for the fullness of our lives.

Thankful for shelter.

Thankful for food.

Thankful for provisions.

Thankful for relationships.

Thankful for health.

All of those things are wonderful, but what if we don’t really feel thankful. Instead we feel let down and discouraged. We feel lost and unsure. We feel empty. We look toward the future wondering will we ever feel full again?

But thankfully, God sovereignly designed a relationship in which “… you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:19) That fullness comes only from Jesus. It is constant, unchanging, and lasting.

God didn’t intend for us to find fullness and satisfaction in the things we have or even in the people He has put in our lives. He intended it to be Him and only Him. He promised us that “You will have suffering in this world.” Boy do we know that! But, thankfully, Jesus also told us in the very next sentence, “Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33) The fact that Jesus has conquered the world is surely something to be thankful for!

In the past 6 months, I have challenged myself to live out the following verse:

“Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 5:18

I am going to challenge you to do the same this Thanksgiving season. It may be easy for you to look around and be thankful for the abundant food on your table, the family filling your home, the new relationship you are starting, the new life growing inside you, etc. But what if you gave thanks for the hard stuff? What if you thanked God for the cancer journey your family is walking because He is knitting your family closer together than you could have ever imagined? What if you thanked God for your infertility struggles because God is teaching you to trust Him with the way He wants to grow your family? What if you thanked God for the strained relationship with your spouse because He is teaching you how to love others even when you don't feel like it? What if you thanked God for your financial struggles because God is showing you how He can meet all your needs? And this is where it hits home, what if I thanked God for the death of Leanne because He is proving to me that He is close to the brokenhearted and understands my pain because He also watched a loved one die? Every thing in my flesh tells me I shouldn’t be thankful. But God tells me I should.

Whatever trial you are facing today, try choosing a thankful attitude towards it. It just might take your eyes off the problem long enough to help you see that God is teaching you something through it.

As we pray for all of you to choose thankfulness, no matter what the circumstance, we ask that you would continue to pray for us. Here are some specifics:
  • Good, restful sleep for Leo
  • Peace and comfort for our family as we face our first Thanksgiving and Christmas without Leanne
  • Our faith to be strengthened
  • God to continue to show us how Leanne's faith has touched others
  • Strength and trust to choose a thankful attitude in the midst of Leanne's death

Monday, November 3, 2014


All orders for the Leanne's Joy Heart are due by Friday. Here are the details again:

The necklace is sterling silver with an 18 inch chain. The heart is about the size of a nickel.

Each necklace is $73.95, and shipping and handling is included in the price.

If you wish to order, please send cash or check payable to:

Mary Eliasen
17617 George Moran Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN  55347

We are asking that all orders are placed by November 7th to ensure that they will be available in time for Christmas.

If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to leannesjoyheart@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Leanne's Joy Heart

One of the greatest gifts Leanne left us on earth are her journals. 15 years of prayers, encouragement, and insight into her life. At the end of each entry was her signature under a heart with a cross in it. Many of you will recognize this heart as it is in every single letter, note, or card she sent.

Love and Faith. What a perfect symbol of Leanne's legacy. My dad gave my mom, sisters, and I a necklace of her signature heart. We wanted each of you to have the opportunity to have one too!

The necklace is sterling silver with an 18 inch chain. The heart is about the size of a nickel.

Each necklace is $73.95, and shipping and handling is included in the price.

If you wish to order, please send cash or check payable to:

Mary Eliasen
17617 George Moran Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN  55347

We are asking that all orders are placed by November 7th to ensure that they will be available in time for Christmas.

If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to leannesjoyheart@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Another way to help!

Ryan has a friend from high school, Amy Wohlwend, that sells Tupperware. Every October she donates her commissions from her sales to some type of breast cancer fund. This year she is giving her commissions to Leo's college fund. If you are interested in booking a party or placing an order, please go to her website HERE for more info. Thanks so much for helping out!!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

A family friend of ours, Jennifer, is walking in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in the Twin Cities on October 11th. Jennifer's husband, Ben, was one of Leanne's basketball coach and trainers. She now works for the American Cancer Society.

Jennifer will be walking in honor of Leanne and would love your help raising money for her team, which she named TEAM CHIN after Leanne! Click on the link HERE for her page.

Thanks in advance!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bryce's Journey

Throughout Leanne's two and a half year cancer journey, there was not one single moment where she made it about her. She hated every single second of the spotlight and attention that was focused on her. She made it her goal to turn the spotlight back to God. She had the blessing of getting to encourage and be encouraged by others fighting the same thing she was up against. She frequently shared the stories of her fellow cancer warriors with us and ALWAYS asked us to partner with them in prayer as she pledged to do the same.

I remember a specific conversation with her about how she was thankful she did not know any kids fighting cancer. I know her heart would be crushed by the story I am about to share with you. Ryan has a friend from high school who has a son battling cancer. 

Bryce. 1 year old. Cancer. Not sure what kind. 

On Wednesday September 17th, Bryce's parents learned he had a large mass in his stomach. On Thursday morning an Oncologist at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis called them and said to pack a suitcase and get on the road.

Check out the link HERE to his Caring Bridge site to find out more. If you click on the journal tab, you will be able to read more of their story.

In honor of Leanne wanting as many people to fight alongside those with cancer, we are asking you to follow this little guy's journey and commit to praying for them. Their Caring Bridge site has specific prayer requests, but as those who have been down this road before please pray for:
  • Wisdom for the Dr's and nurses treating Bryce
  • Strength for Bryce's parents as the watch their son battle cancer
  • God to heal Bryce's body
  • Peace for Bryce's sister, Klare (4), as her world is turned upside down
  • God to sovereignly provide for Bryce and his family

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


On May 20th, we were dumped in the middle of a marathon-like journey. A journey we had never trained for. A journey we had never acknowledged we had the possibility of embarking on. But, we didn't get a choice. God, in all his sovereignty, chose our family for the journey of grief. He knew the time, date, and circumstances in which our family would join this long road of grief. It was not a surprise to Him. But it sure was to us.

I wish I could say that we have just kept claiming the promises of God and it has been a great journey thus far. But I would be lying. 

Grief has been messy. Even ugly at times. 

While the world around us continues to wrestle with war, terrorism, social injustice, disease, racism, evil, hatred, etc just to name a few, we are just trying to get out of bed each morning. We are just clinging to the simple promise that "God will never leave us or forsake us." (Deuteronomy 31:6) 

When we are tempted to think 10 years, 5 years, or even 5 months down the road trying to imagine the future without Leanne, we are just clinging to the promise that God will be with us then.

When we are wondering how we will ever explain to Leo that his mom died when he was just 2 years old and that God is still good, we are just clinging to the promise that God will be with us then.

When we are awake in the middle of the night dealing with intense anger at the fact that we will never get Leanne back, we are just clinging to the promise that God is with us.

When we are walking the road of grief with someone whose loss is fresh and immensely painful, we are just clinging to the promise that God will be with us then.

When we are longing for heaven more than we are longing to stay in this world full of suffering, we are just clinging to the promise that God will be with us then. 

When we are overcome with emotion trying to figure out how to respond when Leo says "Please take mommy's coat off. She will need it when she gets back from heaven", we are just clinging to the promise that God is with us.

When we are walking the breast cancer road again with our GGP (Fran's mom) within two months of Leanne's death, and wanting to cry out to God about how unfair it is, we are just clinging to the promise that God will be with us again.

God is with us. It doesn't feel warm and fuzzy right now. Sometimes it doesn't even feel tangible. But we saw how God faithfully walked with us every single step of the way from October 11, 2011 to May 20, 2014. And we have no doubt that He will not leave us.

In a Bible study my mom and sisters and I are doing, I read a quote about how we don't get through something hard because we are strong, we get through it because we are full of faith. There has not been a single moment in this journey of grief that I have felt strong. And I doubt I will feel that way any time soon. But the Bible says that "His power is made perfect in our weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9) and I have never been more thankful for that. We can be weak (in our grief) so God's power can be made perfect. Now that is something I can have faith in! 

Please keep praying for us. We need it! Here are some specifics:
  • For our GGP: She has breast cancer and is having a single mastectomy on Thursday August 21. Please pray that surgery is successful and that the Dr's would get all the cancer the first time. Please pray for peace for my GGP and my entire extended family.
  • Continued good sleep for Leo
  • Peace for Ryan and Leo
  • Healthy and God honoring grief for Ryan, Leo and our family

All good blog posts have pics :) So here are some of Leo's night at the Twins Game!


 If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Now what ...

Well, its been two months since we started on this journey of grief and loss. We have spent the past two months figuring out what our new normal looks like. We have enjoyed every story we continue to hear about Leanne. We have spent many quiet moments crying as we listen to the music that brought her so much hope and peace. We have spent most of our days thinking of her, wishing we could tell her something, wanting to call her or text her, wishing we could hear her voice, and yearning for heaven.

But enough about us.

What about you? We know you haven't stopped watching. Searching. Trying to find the meaning in all of this. Trying to figure out why we have hope amidst the despair that threatens to overtake us at any given moment.

Leanne's Celebration of Life service has been viewed 832 times. The TEAM CHIN blog has been viewed over 100,000 times in the past two months. That means that each one of those views has seen and heard the gospel clearly preached. Jesus died for your sins. So you can spend eternity in heaven with Him. And Leanne :)

What are you doing about it? Have you made the choice to let Jesus be your Savior? Have you shared the gospel with someone you love because you have seen first hand that tomorrow isn't guaranteed and you can't bear to spend eternity without them? Has your outlook on life been changed by the legacy of faith that Leanne had?

Know that as much as you have been praying for us, we are praying for you as well. Praying that your lives have been radically altered because of the influence of Leanne's life on yours. Praying for each of you to come to know Jesus in a more personal way. Praying that you would continue to share Leanne's story and the hope it holds.

We will not stop praying for you! And we are asking that you will not stop praying for us. Here are some specific requests:

  • Praise! Leo has been sleeping better at night. But please keep asking God to continue giving Leo the rest he needs
  • Strength for Ryan 
  • Continued comfort for Ryan, Leo, and the White & Miller families
  • Peace for the White family
  • God to continue to be glorified in how Leanne's life is shared

 Lastly, I'll leave you with a pic of this sweet redhead :)


If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thank You!

There is no way that we could ever thank each and every one of you for the love, support, and generosity you have shown in the past 7 weeks. But, here is our attempt in the thank you note we sent out from our family.


Please keep praying for us! Here are some specific requests:
  • Consistent, restful sleep for Leo
  • Energy for Ryan
  • God's comfort for the Ryan, Leo, and the White & Miller families
  • God to continued to be glorified in how we share Leanne's story
  • Peace for our grieving hearts

If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

An update

Well, it has been 5 weeks. 5 weeks since we were exposed to a pain so deep we didn't know it even existed. 5 weeks that have flown by and yet at the same time, have been the longest 5 weeks of our lives. 5 weeks since we said good bye.

But, 5 weeks of experiencing God's comfort every minute of every day. 5 weeks of laughing and crying as we remember Leanne often. 5 weeks of seeing the AMAZING ways Leanne was touching lives and sharing God's hope with those around her.

I can't wait to share those stories with you soon!

But for now, I want to let you all know that we are doing ok. To quote a message I recently listened to "We are sorrowful, but not driven to despair." Sorrowful doesn't even seem to explain the level of sadness we feel. But even in that sorrow, we are not driven to despair because of Jesus. We have life in Him and hope in our future with Him. And I can say at least for myself, that is what gets me through those tough moments of sadness. Hope.

If you want to listen to the message, check it out HERE. Next to the title of the message, Opposition, you will see a set of headphones or a video camera. Click on either depending if you want to watch the message or just listen to the audio.

We would love for you to please keep us in your prayers. Here are some specifics:

  • Consistent, good sleep for Leo 
  • Energy for Ryan
  • God to continue to comfort Ryan, Leo, the White family, and the Miller family
  • God to continue to glorify Himself through Leanne's story
  • Healthy, God honoring grief for all those who lost Leanne
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Music from the Celebration

Several people have asked for the music we had at Leanne's Celebration of Life service. Here they are:

You're Beautiful by Phil Wickham
Build You're Kingdom Here by Rend Collective
10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman
Great I Am by New Life Worship
Desert Song by Hillsong
Alive by Hillsong Young and Free
Wake by Hillsong Young and Free

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

1 hour and 47 minutes

That is how much of your time I am asking for today. I promise it will be well spent!

1 hour and 47 minutes of laughter, tears, and glory given to God for the work He is doing through Leanne's story.

1 hour and 47 minutes of celebrating! Celebrating Leanne's life. Celebrating the end of her pain. Celebrating her unshakable faith. Celebrating her death on earth, but the start of Leanne's eternal life with her Savior, Healer, and Father.

Set aside your nap time. Set aside your to do list. Set aside whatever you have going on. You won't regret it!

Praying you are encouraged to live your life as Leanne did. Fully devoted to glorifying God in all she did.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Stories ...

Over the past two weeks we have heard several stories from you about ways Leanne has touched your life.

We heard from someone Leanne drove to school. She shared how Leanne stood up for her when someone was making fun of her and taught her to have confidence in the choices she was making.

We heard from another young mom with cancer Leanne met at chemo. She shared with us how Leanne's faith inspired her to have hope in Jesus no matter news cancer brings her way.

We heard from students Leanne taught. They shared how she was their favorite teacher and how she blessed their lives.

We have received countless cards with thoughtful messages. Some have brought us to tears.

These stories and messages have encouraged our hearts more than words can say. They have brought a lot of comfort and laughter in the midst of the pain. They help the life and legacy of Leanne live on.

We are asking you to please keep sharing these stories with us!!! Please email them to teamchinny@gmail.com or mail them to:

The White Family
17639 George Moran Dr
Eden Prairie, MN   55347

Once again, if you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Many Thanks!

Ryan, Leo, and their families feel incredibly blessed by your generosity. Thanks so much for praying for us over the past week and a half. Thanks for sending thoughtful cards and notes. They have provided much comfort and encouragement. Thanks for sending donations to Leo's college fund! At this rate, he will be attending medical school! :)

While we are adjusting to a new normal around here, we continue to ask for prayer. Please be praying for:

  • Peace for Ryan and Leo
  • Leo to fall asleep quickly at bed time and nap time
  • Wisdom for Ryan in parenting
  • Comfort for Ryan, Leo, the White family, and the Miller family
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Celebration Slideshow

We wanted to share this slideshow from Leanne's celebration of life! Enjoy!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Donating to Leo

Wanted to share with everyone the details of what has been set up for Leo. Ryan set up a college savings account for Leo. In lieu of flowers, we are asking that you donate to Leo's college savings account. Please write checks to Ryan Miller.

Please send donations to:

Ryan Miller
17639 George Moran Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN  55347

There will also be a place to give donations at the visitation.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Prayers for Leo

We are coming before you and asking for prayers for Leo. Please pray for:

  • Peace amidst all the chaos
  • GOOD SLEEP!!! (Haven't we been praying that since his birth?!?!?)
  • Health and relief from his coughing

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Leanne has some wonderful friends from her Mom's Connect group. They have set up a way to compile memories of Leanne for Ryan, Leo, and their families. Please read below and do it today!!!

Our sweet Leanne is with Jesus celebrating her completely healed body.  Peace Officer Mamas (her Mom’s group) had the honor of walking this cancer journey with her, praying each step of the way, watching her become a mother to Leo, studying God’s Word together and becoming amazing friends.  We would like to celebrate Leanne by putting together stories, pictures and videos as treasured memories for Leo to enjoy. 

There are 3 ways…

1.    You can bring printed images, memories and stories to the visitation and funeral where we will have an area set up for you to add them to our 8 ½ x 11 memory book collection. 
2.     You can email photos, videos, typed out memories or stories to rememberleannemiller@gmail.com 
      For Instagram users upload photos with #rememberleannemiller

3.    You can stop by our video booth at the visitation and funeral to record your message, memory or story.  


Thank you! Thank you for the outpouring of love and support through food :) While we are so thankful for the body of believers who are serving in this way, we ask that you refrain from bringing any food until next week. Our fridge is full!!!! Trust me, there will be plenty of opportunities to feed Ryan, Leo, and the White & Miller families. Thank you!!!!!!


Leanne's Visitation will be on Saturday May 24th at Wooddale Church in the Chapel from 4-7. Dress is casual.

Her Celebration of Life service is Sunday May 25th at Wooddale Church in the Worship Center at 3pm with a short reception afterwards.

In lieu of flowers, donations to an education fund being arranged for Leo Miller are appreciated. The fund is currently being set up. Details coming soon.

Wooddale Church is located at:
6630 Shady Oak Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Please pray for:

  • Strength for Ryan
  • Wisdom and peace in decision making for Ryan, Chris and Fran
  • Peace and comfort for Ryan, Leo, and the White & Miller families
  • Good, restful sleep for Ryan, Leo, and the White & Miller families
  • God to prepare the hearts of those attending the service

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

She's home!

Around 4:45 this afternoon Leanne left this earth and entered heaven running towards the open arms of her Savior Jesus Christ. Her battered, bruised, scarred, and cancer ravaged body is new. Whole. Perfect. Can you imagine the joy?!?!?

In the words of my brother, God took home a warrior who made an army of followers for Him. You, TEAM CHIN, are those warriors. There is nothing that would honor Leanne's legacy of faith more than each of you warriors living out your faith every minute of every day. Leanne lived out Philippians 3:20-21 more than anyone else.

"But our citizenship is in heaven, from which we eagerly wait for a Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of His glorious body, by the power that enables Him to subject everything to Himself."

May each of you spend each moment living for our home. Heaven.

Her Visitation and Celebration of Life are scheduled for Saturday May 24, 2014 and Sunday May 25, 2014. Details to come.


Leanne had kind of a rough night last night and was put on a steady dose of morphine to help calm her down and keep her comfortable. Ryan was able to spend the night with her and had some good time with her.

Please keep us in your prayers. We need prayer for:

  • Comfort and peace for Leanne
  • God to take His precious child home when He sees fit
  • Comfort and strength for Ryan
  • Peace for Leo
  • Comfort for the White and Miller family 
Not going to lie, this has been an extremely exhausting few days. But we are confident of this, 

 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Leanne loved God passionately and lived to do His will. God WILL work good in this trial. He will bring beauty out of the pain and suffering the last 2 1/2 years have held. He will bring life to those who hear of the good news of salvation for the first time through Leanne's story. He will bring joy to our hearts through this pain. We are believing God to do BIG things through this. It will not be easy, but we are praying for God to show us glimpses of how He is working good. Nothing at the present moment makes sense, but to God it is all working out just as He sees fit. God wins. Every Single Time! Praying you all see the victory of Jesus in your life today.

Monday, May 19, 2014

No words ...

I am not sure how to write this. It is a blog post I prayed I would never have to write. But, God is calling His child home soon.

Leanne's cancer in her liver has grown rapidly. This is causing fluid to build up in her abdomen and preventing her from eating, swallowing, and breathing well. Since yesterday, she has been in and out of consciousness. She is surrounded by and being loved on by family at this time.

While we are devastated at the thought of Leanne leaving us, we are beyond thankful for the assurance of her salvation and that she will be spending eternity praising her Creator and Healer. God never promised us healing on this earth, but He sure did promise healing in heaven. We are deeply sad that Leanne's journey is ending in death. But we know that, God will continue to use her unshakeable faith as an encouragement and testimony for generations to come.

Please keep praying for us. We need peace and comfort at this time. We will post more info when we have it. Thank you for your partnership in prayer.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Back ...

Well, Leanne is back in the hospital.

As you know, we asked for prayers recently because Leanne has not been feeling the best. She was given fluid this week to help with dehydration from the sweating and fevers she has been experiencing. Today, she was taken to the ER for quick admittance to the hospital because she was still feeling horrible. She had low blood sugar, low blood pressure, and a high heart rate. She has now been admitted to the ICU and is being given lots of fluids, antibiotics, and steroids. They are going to get her levels stabilized again and then do a scan of her abdomen.

A few weeks ago I prayed that Leanne's journey would be something that would radically grow the prayer life of many TEAM CHIN members. I am sure that God is doing big things!!! Please pray specifically for:

  • Complete relief from all fevers, sweating, and dehydration for Leanne
  • Extreme clarity for Dr. Bloom and each doctor and nurse that comes into contact with Leanne this hospital stay to know exactly what steps to take in treating Leanne
  • Dr's to find out exactly what is going on with Leanne
  • Stability in Leanne's levels
  • Strength and energy to return to Leanne
  • Strength for Ryan
  • Unexplainable peace for Leanne, Ryan, and their families (Philippians 4:6-7)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Prayers please

We are asking for prayers for Leanne today. She is still experiencing some side effects in the form of sweating, fevers, and fatigue. Dr. Bloom is not sure if the fevers and sweating are from the medicine she was on still working its way out of her body or from something else. She was also feeling really energized after her blood transfusion and has been feeling very exhausted lately. There are a lot of unanswered questions. We would like you to join us in praying for some answers.

Please pray for:

  • Relief from the fevers and sweating
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom and the pain care Dr. to know what steps to take next
  • Energy for Leanne

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thanks for the diapers!!!


Over the past year we Leanne, Ryan, and Leo have had a diaper fairy. Most weeks, this wonderful person drops off a big box of diapers at my parents house. They are so incredibly thankful for this persons thoughtfulness and consistent generosity. It has saved the Miller's lots of money and trips to Target!

Lately, Leo has started showing lots of interest in the potty and Leanne is going to start potty training Leo in the near future. So, they won't be needing anymore diapers.

We want to say a big THANK YOU to whoever the diaper fairy is!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Chemo #10

Leanne texted me a pic of her "Chemo Date Day" with Ryan :) Don't you just love her perspective on things!! Even though she had chemo, she was more than happy to have some time away with just Ryan!

They met with Chara, one of Dr. Bloom's nurse practitioner's, to talk about some side effects Leanne has been experiencing over the past two weeks. Dr. Bloom wants to add Ibuprofen and Prilosec into her med routine. He is also going to switch one of her meds to a different one in the hopes of her having relief from the fevers and sweats she has been experiencing.

Please keep praying for:

  • Freedom from the yucky side effects Leanne has been experiencing
  • More "normal" days more often (normal energy levels and to feel better)
  • Maximum results from the chemo
  • Strength for Leanne and Ryan
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he makes treatment decisions
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Chemo #9 & biopsy results

While we were all hoping for a black and white, clear result from today, we got a lot of gray. We know that the spot on the liver they saw on the CT scan was new cancer growth. It is still breast cancer. They are going to do more research on the biopsy they took to decide what treatment to pursue next.

Leanne met with Katie, one of Dr. Bloom's Nurse Practitioner's, before chemo today. She reminded us that this is a chronic disease and it might be chronic for a while. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint. We have to continue to trust God and His timing. We don't need gimmick's, fad diets, herbal treatments, or more religious exercises. We have God and He is more than enough. He is more than capable of anything we can ask or imagine.

With that being said, we don't really know more than that at this point. What we do know is that more than any other form of help, we need your prayers. Please allow God to use this journey to grow your prayer life. I know I can speak from experience and can say that God has used Leanne's journey to challenge me to pray on all occasions. Praying in joy. Praying in fear. Praying in thankfulness. No matter what comes our way, we can pray.

Please pray for us:

  • Identifying the cause of the low grade fevers
  • Pain to be managed all the time and to identify the source of the pain
  • Side effects of the chemo and pain meds to be minimal
  • Maximum effectiveness of the chemo meds
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he makes treatment plans

If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

She's home!!!

Leanne had a busy weekend!! She was able to have her blood transfusion on Friday and says she can definitely tell the difference in her energy levels. She also had some fun visitors this weekend!


Leanne spent the weekend in hospital and was able to go home today!!! Her pain is under control during the day but has been waking up to take pain meds in the middle of the night so she does not wake in pain in the morning. She also has her biopsy tomorrow morning. We don't know when we will have results from that, but will keep you updated. Please keep us in your prayers:

  • Peace for Leanne during the biopsy and while she waits for results
  • Skilled hands for the surgeon doing the biopsy
  • Wisdom for the Dr's reading the results from the biopsy
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he makes treatment decision
  • Strength for Ryan as he leads and cares for his family
  • Peace for Leo as Leanne recovers and is cared for by others
  • God to prepare the hearts of Leanne, Ryan, and their families for whatever news we receive over the next few days
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hospital Update

Leanne got a visitor this morning!!!


Grammie brought Leo to see Leanne after they went to school this morning. He was a much needed bright spot in her day :) Dr. Bloom came into see Leanne this morning. He does not think the pain she is having is because of cancer progression (!!!!!!!). All of her blood work and liver tests came back looking great. It is possible that the ibuprofen she was taking kept the inflammation down, thus keeping the severe pain at bay. But since she is not taking that anymore, there is a chance the spot on her liver or a lymph node is pressing on a nerve causing the pain. They are going to change to a different pain med soon to see if that helps relive the pain.

 Thanks all we know for now! I will post more info when I have it. Please keep praying!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Back in the hospital

As of this afternoon, Leanne was admitted to the hospital to help her deal with severe pain, nausea, and dehydration. She has a PCA line, which means she is receiving a steady dose of pain meds, until they get the pain under control. The Dr.'s aren't sure what is causing the pain, but Leanne will meet with Dr. Bloom and her pain management Dr tomorrow. I will update when I have more info.

Please keep lifting Leanne up in prayer specifically for:

  • Comfort for Leo while Leanne is in the hospital
  • Strength for Ryan as he cares for his family
  • Relief from pain for Leanne
  • Wisdom for Dr.'s to be able to get Leanne's pain under control so this does not become a cycle in the future
  • Strength for Leanne's body to heal and recover so she is able to have her biopsy on Monday and her blood transfusion soon
  • Clear results from the biopsy of the spot in front of her liver
Thanks for praying with and for us! We are blessed by the peace your prayers bring!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Blood Transfusion Update

Wanted to let you all know the latest on Leanne's blood transfusion. Leanne is going to be having a direct donor blood transfusion, which means that Leanne gets to pick who donates blood for her transfusion. Today, our Dad and Aimee went downtown to start their part of the process. Since their blood types match, they get to be the donors!


 Now, we wait :) As soon as their blood is processed and tested, it will be sent to the hospital Leanne gets her treatment at. Then, they will call Leanne and set up the transfusion. In the mean time we can be praying for:
  • Energy for Leanne
  • Continued wisdom for Dr. Bloom
  • Peace for Leanne, Ryan, and their families as we wait
Leanne will also have a biopsy of the spot on the front of her liver in the next two weeks. We will keep you posted on when that is scheduled for.

If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Chemo #8 & Scan Results

Well, results are in! Leanne talked with Dr. Bloom while she was at chemo about her scan. The spot on her liver has shrunk considerably! Her lymph nodes in her chest have not grown! However, there is something that showed up in the scan on the front of her liver that Dr. Bloom wants to do a biopsy on. We don't know when that is scheduled for, but we will update when we can. Leanne is also going to have a blood transfusion in the next two weeks. Her hemoglobin levels are incredibly low and a transfusion should help with energy levels.

I was the lucky one that got to go to chemo with Leanne this week :) Thanks Grammie for watching all the kiddos.


Can I just say how amazing this woman is! Her faith and trust in God is so inspiring. I am so thankful for her :) Her ability to see this journey with eternal eyes is such a challenge to me to do the same. She is eager to glorify God in every step along the way. I love her!!

Please keep praying for :

  • Praise! for the good things the scan showed! We are thankful for the spots that are not growing!!
  • Smoothness and a quick turn around for the direct blood transfusion from Aimee and Dad to Leanne
  • Energy for Leanne
  • Biopsy to go smoothly and to be fairly pain free
  • Peace for Leo as he is cared for by other people during the biopsy and recovery
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he interprets biopsy results and determines treatment plans
  • Trust in God's plan and timing

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Scan Tomorrow

Leanne has a CT scan tomorrow morning at 7am. Please be praying for good results from the scan and for peace for Leanne as she has the scan tomorrow.

I will post the results as soon as we know something! Thanks for praying with us!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chemo #7, San Diego, and Good News!!

Thanks to a wonderful gift of an extremely generous TEAM CHIN member, Leanne and Ryan were able to get away for a long weekend in San Diego. And despite rearranged chemo schedules, sickness while in CA, and some chemo recovery time, Leanne and Ryan were able to enjoy every single minute of their time away. It was incredibly relaxing and refreshing. Just what they needed!!! Thanks to Auntie Aimee, Grandma, and Grammie, Leo was well taken care of! Thought you all might enjoy some pictures from their trip ...


And now on to today! Leanne had an appointment with Dr. Bloom before chemo today that was REALLY encouraging! Dr. Bloom said that things are looking really great! He could not feel anything on her liver (when she was in the hospital in January, her liver was enlarged) or on her neck where the lymph nodes are!!!! They are stopping one of the chemo drugs, which we knew would happen. It is being stopped because the toxicity of the drug outweighs the benefits of the medicine. They are looking at doing a blood transfusion soon because Leanne's hemoglobin levels continue to remain low. This will help her to have more energy. After that she will have another CT scan and Dr. Bloom think it will show "results we will be pleased with" What great news! We are feeling really thankful today! Ryan was able to go to chemo with Leanne. My mom's neighbor, Heather, watched Leo while Leanne had her appointment and Grammie watched him during chemo.


Please join us in continuing to pray for Leanne and Ryan. Here are some specifics:
  • Praise for good news today!!!
  • A safe and effective blood transfusion
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he makes treatment decisions and specifically to find a way for Leanne to continue getting treatment
  • Maximum effectiveness of the chemo
  • Minimal side effects of the chemo
  • God to prepare our hearts for what the results of the CT scan show
  • Strength and stamina for Ryan as he leads his family
  • Self control and obedience for Leo
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Chemo #6

While Leanne's counts weren't the greatest today, she was still able to have chemo!!! Her blood counts were ok, but her platelet and hemoglobin levels were low. Leanne has an appointment with Dr. Bloom on April 10th to discuss the plan for the next steps in treatment.

Marsha was the lucky one to go to chemo with Leanne today!!


And Miss Claire got to spend part of the afternoon with her Auntie Lan!


Leanne and Ryan are heading on their vacation early tomorrow morning! Please keep lifting them up in prayer. Here are some specific requests:
  • Leanne to feel good and have energy on vacation
  • Wisdom on when to rest while they are gone
  • Appt with Dr. Bloom on 10th; God to prepare our hearts for whatever comes our way
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he makes treatment decisions and specifically to find a way for Leanne to continue getting treatment
  • Leanne's counts to recover and stay high
  • Maximum effectiveness of the chemo
  • A relaxing, refreshing, and healthy getaway for Leanne and Ryan
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

No chemo :(

Leanne's counts weren't high enough today and was not able to have chemo today. Her treatment is rescheduled for next Wednesday. This is not the best timing as Leanne and Ryan are going away for a long weekend in San Diego next week. But we do know that God's plan and timing are perfect and we will continue to trust Him.

Please join us in praying for:

  • Higher blood counts
  • Higher hemoglobin counts
  • Strength and endurance for Leanne, both physically and mentally
  • Continued trust in God's timing and plan
  • Strength for Ryan as he leads his family
  • Good restful sleep for Leanne, Ryan, and Leo
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Chemo #5

Leanne had good counts today and was able to have chemo! My mom went with her today. She enjoyed a foot massage during chemo. How wonderful!!

 She met with one of Dr. Bloom's nurse practitioners today and she said she could barely feel any of the lymph nodes on Leanne's neck!!! She did mention that Leanne's hemoglobin levels are steadily declining and will contribute to the fatigue she is feeling. Please keep praying! Here are some specific requests:

  • Leanne's platelet count to stay at 100 or above
  • Leanne's hemoglobin levels to stay stead
  • Good, restful sleep for Leanne, Ryan, and Leo
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he makes decisions about meds
  • Maximum effectiveness of the chemo meds for Leanne
  • Minimal side effects from the chemo
  • Strength for Ryan as he leads his family
  • Strength for Leanne as she continues to fight
  • Stamina for Ryan as he balances work, taking care of his family, and taking care of himself
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chemo #4

Praise the Lord!! Leanne's counts were high enough to have chemo today!!!!!!! She had an appointment with Katie, one of Dr. Bloom's nurse practitioner's, before chemo. Katie said the lymph node in her neck is continuing to get smaller!!!! They also decided to lower the dosage of one of the chemo meds because the toxicity of the chemo outweighs the benefits. While Ryan went to chemo with Leanne, they didn't get a picture together. And we were the lucky ones who were able to Face Time with Leanne.


Thanks so much to all who prayed for high counts today!! Please keep praying specifically for:
  • Health and energy to fill the Miller household
  • Good, restful sleep for Leanne, Ryan, and Leo
  • Wisdom for Dr. Bloom as he makes decisions about meds
  • Correct dosages for pain meds to be figured out
  • Maximum effectiveness of the chemo meds for Leanne
  • Minimal side effects from the chemo
  • Strength for Ryan as he leads his family
  • Strength for Leanne as she continues to fight
  • Stamina for Ryan as he balances work, taking care of his family, and taking care of himself
If you ever have any questions about our faith and would like more info, please email us at teamchinny@gmail.com and we would love to talk more.